Laying Low, But Ever Active

We finally experience winter a few weeks ago, the winter where we look out the dining room window and everything is white. The grass is blanketed in sparkly flakes and the tree branches are sagging under the weight of the snow. It has once again become a winter wonderland and we happily embrace it. Why? Because up until now, it has not felt like winter at all. The grass was starting to show green, our driveway was dusty, and the air was warm. Everything was “off” and now, at least for the moment, we are enjoying the brisk air and much needed moisture.

Winter is hibernation for not only the bears and ground squirrels, but for us here at Sage Mountain Center. We tend to spend more time indoors in the office, with inside projects, cooking, and my favorite: sleeping! But we shouldn’t feel guilty around that because all things natural slow down during this season. On the other hand, we also do a lot of planning and getting ready for all of the activities which summer will bring. And those activities may include you driving up and visiting us to enjoy one of the many experiences that we offer.

One of those experiences is hiking to Sage Wall. We have a full summer agenda of research, maintenance, and minor development in store (like installing more benches and signage). Mike Collins of Wandering Wolf and Jimmy Corsetti continue to post new videos on YouTube, X, Rumble, and Instagram about Sage Wall and Sage Mountain Center. And Graham Hancock even commented positively on X! .

As a reminder, for the summer season we hope to start taking online reservations for Sage Wall in April. So, start thinking about your vacations, weekends, or day trips. We look forward to sharing with you this majestic, off-grid place we call home.


Chris and the Sage Mountaineers